Why join the Safe & Secure Giving Club?
As an Annie Malone Safe & Secure member, you will provide an immediate home solution for those calls that happen in the middle of the night or at a critical moment in time when there is no other immediately safe place for a child. When a parent or caregiver has no other option, they can make the selfless decision to call Annie Malone Children & Family Services.
Today, you can become "home" to a child in crisis. You can step into the chasm that tough life circumstances create. You can be a beacon, just like Annie Malone was...and just like we are.
Emergency Crisis Services
Each year, nearly 150 children in crisis rely on Annie Malone Children & Family Services to provide a Safe & Secure roof over their heads. Emergency Crisis Service provides a safe 24-hour environment designed with intervention measures to immediately alleviate crisis by providing emergency shelter, food, clothing, educational needs and more to prevent child abuse and neglect. The program helps to reduce parental stress, improve family communication skills and prevent a future crisis.
Your support of Safe & Secure helps Annie Malone Children & Family Services Provide:
- Emergency Shelter & Medical Attention
- Clean Clothes
- Food
- Education
- Preventable abuse and neglect services